You are here because you have heard the call of the wild – you know there is more for you out there than being tied to your desk in front of a screen, feeling frustrated and like there's never enough time to get outside.
You long for a life filled with roots and mud, birdsong and water, rocks and fungi, prickly grass and buzzing insects, drifting clouds and wildflower seeds.
Let us join hands and root into feeling deeply connected to place.
Let us step into living life immersed in nature where you feel calm, whole and complete.
Welcome to The Stardust Collective
The Stardust Collective is magical place where you will receive inspiration, encouragement and support to prioritise time outside. It is an organic, ever-evolving place co-created by all members where we normalise a rich, full life in relationship with the more-than-human world.
When you join you bring with you a compassionate, courageous commitment to nurturing your relationship with the outdoors each month and a readiness to learn from the nature on your doorstep.
Monthly recurring investment: £29
Annual recurring investment: £295, saving £50
Spring Equinox Annual recurring investment offer: £245 - ENDS 21.3.24

Testimonial | Magic and wonder
"I loved knowing that I can always come here because what you offer, Agnes, and the emotional stance you offer it with, are truly special. Your email communication, your imagery and all the tasks in the Stardust Collective have this air of magic and wonder about them which I need in my life."

Hi, I'm Agnes Becker
I am an artist and science communicator who feels most at home with family and friends, immersed in nature. After a degree in Natural Sciences and a Masters in Science Media Production, I spent 10 years working in universities with scientists - mostly sitting at a desk in front of a computer desperate to be outside. I created we are stardust in 2016 as a way to deepen my - and your - experience of our messy, beautiful universe.

Do you feel busy, overwhelmed and tired too?
"Between tackling the overflowing inbox, sorting out dinner, making sure the latest gas bill is paid, there’s never any time to be outside by myself."
"Going on a 10 day silent retreat in the forest or hiking the three peaks just isn't possible for me right now."
"The noise and distraction of daily life and social media make it so hard to hear my wild inner voice."
"I've tried [insert nature practice here] but nothing sticks."
"Everything I try feels surface-level, seemingly frivolous and a waste of time."
Our society is constantly telling us our relationship with nature is a 'nice add-on luxury' rather than a fundamental human need.
Your longing to fill your life with insects, mud, the cry of the fox, the wind in the trees is NORMAL.
Yet the hard truth is that the more we ignore the call for the wild, the more we are collaborating with the damaging systems that are currently governing our society.
How can you prioritise time outside where you feel whole and complete?
The Stardust Collective will give you the inspiration, focus, encouragement to gift yourself time and space with the more-than-human world.
Not only this, you will also have the magical support of fellow courageous folk sharing their nature stories helping you feel less alone and NORMALISING our interrelationship with the more-than-human.

Testimonial | A beautiful space to create
"The Stardust Collective is a beautiful space for people from around the world to give themselves permission to spend time in nature and creatively respond to what they notice. I particularly enjoyed the co-creating sessions, where I felt excited to find things in nature to use in a creative way. I've never done any nature journalling in the past and this group made me want to start one! "
In The Stardust Collective you will find:
A guided structure of monthly explortory topics to help you spend those precious little pockets of time you find to be outside in a way that nourishes you – quality over quantity!
Monthly quests, journaling prompts and creative activities on our monthly exploratory topic to give you the focus you need to get outside, spark curiosity and wonder for your local area.
Time: 10 minutes per week
Monthly 60 minute, semi-guided, online co-creative gatherings to make marks together. Inspiring creative ideas and co-creative sessions to get you messily making marks in collaboration with nature – we are NOT going for beautiful scientific illustrations. Instead, think mud, mess and ink stains. Held 1-2pm or 7-8pm UK time.
Time: 1 hour per month
We are all equal in our learning and all our experiences are valid and meaningful. Our monthly (virtual) 60 minute campfire gatherings are when we check in with what we are discovering, share any difficulties we are facing and welcome in new members. Held 1-2pm or 7-8pm UK time.
Time: 1 hour per month
Each season we will have a talk or workshop, sometimes from a guest, to enrich your experience of the season. Held every 3 months between 1-2pm or 7-8pm UK time.
Time: 1 hour every 3 months
Fellow courageous ones who also want to know about their local land and feel that sense of aliveness.
Monthly exploration topics and quests
March | Emerge
New shoots, light, unfurling
Watch a blossom unfurl
April | Rebirth
Eggs, new life, warmth, joy
Experience bird song
May | Flourish
Thriving, leaves, green, life
Noticing colours
June | Ease
Warm breezes, opening up, pollination
Follow an insect
July | Rest
Slow, sun, pause
Weekly meadow meditations
August | Plenty
Seeds, berries, nuts, abundance
Gather seeds, nuts and berries
September | Gold
Autumn light, leaves, seeds
Seek out gold
October | Magic
Mushrooms, hidden worlds, other worlds, rain, shelter
Explore spider's webs
November | Depth
Mud, roots, soil, tangles, water
Experience water currents
What's included?
Monthly exploratory topics
Monthly exploratory topics guide our focus during the month providing a broad river path for you to swim around in. Maybe you'll explore a tributary for a while before joining us again, maybe you'll float down and see what comes your way...
Monthly quests
On the first Monday of each month (second Monday for July due to launch timings) you will be sent a quest with prompts based on the monthly theme to reawaken your creativity and curiosity. Prompts are simple and achievable. One month you may track the opening of a blossom, the next you'll get to know the song of a local bird.
Monthly Co-creative Gatherings
On the last Thursday of every month we will gather at 1pm UK time for a semi-guided co-creative session where Agnes Becker will lead you through some playful exercises followed by dedicated time to play in your nature journal.
Monthly Campfire Gatherings
Every month we gather as a community to reflect on the season just gone and set intentions for how we want to feel during the coming month. We also welcome any new members who have recently joined.
Seasonal talks and workshops
Each season you will receive either a live or pre-recorded talk or workshop from guest speakers or by Agnes Becker to spark your curiosity and creativity and help sink you deeper into the season.
Online community space on Circle
Circle is a platform dedicated to creating nourishing memberships away from the distractions of social media.
Forest of gifts
Inside The Stardust Collective community space you'll find a forest of gifts, including seasonal nature guides, nature journaling workshops and painting classes.
BONUS: Creating nature-based affirmations mini tutorial
This mini tutorial will help you to create affirmations tailored to you that will support you in spending more immersive time with nature.

Testimonial | Wonder and joy
"The Stardust Collective made me remember how nice it is to be outside without any expectations and just see what happens and reconnect with that feeling of child-like wonder I get when I spot something out in the natural world.”
Are you ready to immerse yourself in the more-than-human world?
The Stardust Collective is for those ready to commit to immersing their lives with the nature around them. You are ready to dedicate at least 30 minutes a month to get outside and pay loving attention to the more-than-human world. You are ready to learn what your local ecosystem has to teach you. I can't wait to journey with you!

Satisfaction Guarantee
If you join The Stardust Collective and don’t agree that you:
- Are starting to spend more immersive time outside
- Feel inspired to get creative
- Are igniting your curiosity
Send an email to within 14 days telling me why you don't love the membership and I will give you a full refund, no hard feelings.
Is The Stardust Collective for me?
You are welcome with open arms if:
You want to enrich your experience of being in nature with learning and creativity but don’t know where to start
You want to connect with the Earth and all her living beings more deeply but never find the time or headspace to do this
You love learning about nature from all disciplines and people but have never found a community where learning is free of judgement about how much you do/don’t know
You want to deepen your understanding and knowledge of your local environment
You want to get messily creative in collaboration with nature
You love being part of a diverse community of people from all walks of life who love the connecting with the more-than-human world
The adventure not be the best experience for you if:
You want to learn technical terminology and get very specific about scientific methodology
You want a perfect, slick experience. I am a mother working on we are stardust part-time. I am messy and human. I do my best to create a smooth, beautiful experience for you but I will make mistakes. If this is something that would bother you, The Stardust Collective may not be for you.
You want to tick off identifying as many plants, trees, birds, mushrooms, stars etc. as possible
You want a detailed, step-by-step ‘how to’ guide to exploring the world through science and art
You hope to heal trauma through this experience. While it may help, I am not a therapist and recommend working with a trained professional to address trauma
You are looking for a very directed course with a leader to take you through learning about an area of nature (I will act as more of a guide, encouraging others to share their findings and creations)
You feel some areas of learning about the world are superior to others
How is The Stardust Collective delivered?
Emails for prompts
When you join The Stardust Collective you'll be sent monthly email prompts via my email software, Flodesk.
Online community space on Circle
Our online community space is where we share inspiration and encouragement on our journey towards a more wild life. All prompts and recordings of gatherings, workshops and talks will be saved here too.
Gatherings, talks and workshops on Zoom
The online meeting software Zoom will be how we gather online.
What is the time commitment?
A minimum of 3 hours per month to act on the prompts, join the co-creative sessions and the seasonal talk or workshop.
Everything in the Collective has been created to make it as achievable and inspiring as possible - it will be a joy rather than another thing to add to the 'to do' list and I'll be there to guide along the way.
When are the campfires, talks and workshops? What if I can't make the calls?
(Nearly) all gatherings, workshops and talks will be held 1-2pm UK time, Wednesdays.
Co-creative gatherings are held monthly, usually on the third Wednesday of the month.
Seasonal campfires are usually on the first Wednesday of the month in February, May, August.
Seasonal talks and workshops will usually be on the second Wednesday of the month but may vary.
All gatherings, workshops and talks will be recorded and posted in the community space.
What if I can’t get outside or live in a city?
Nature is everywhere - including you!
Prompts have been designed to be adapted to urban and rural living and can be done looking out of your window as well as being outside, making them easy to adapt to your situation.
I don't live in the UK, can I still take part?
Yes! Adventurers have joined from from the USA, France and Mallorca as well as the UK. The prompts will apply to all countries. You may to check you can make the times of the live calls first and might find it useful to get a local field guide or find local identification websites or apps to help you to get to know your local birdlife.
How does billing work? What if I want to cancel my membership?
As soon as you join The Stardust Collective, the first payment will be taken on that date. The following monthly payments will be taken on the same date each month.
When you cancel your payment you will have access to The Stardust Collective until the end of the billing cycle, i.e. the date before your next payment would have come out.
If your payment fails, taking payment will be attempted a few times. If after these attempts payment can't be taken your membership will be automatically cancelled at the end of the billing cycle, i.e. the date before your next payment would have come out.
I have another question
Email me at and I'll get back to you as soon as possible