Reflections on my art practice over the last four years
In this episode I share an instagram live recording I did in November 2024 about how my art practice has changed since I started to nurture my relationship with our land, sky, waters, universe and wild self.
In this live I talk about my art journey over the last 4 years where the work I have been making has changed hugely. I also share tips or lessons for if you are feeling the desire to change things in your creative practice.
CORRECTION: No single stretch of river in England or Northern Ireland is in good overall health (well done Scotland! Sorry I lumped you in with us in this episode) - The State of Our Rivers Report, The River Trust
Links mentioned in this episode
Watermarks programme and final publication
Join The Wild Enchantment Club 🌲🌟
The Wild Enchantment Club is a monthly subscription for fiercely tender-hearted wonder-seekers ready to step outside and nurture a devotional practice of noticing nature.
Members get a monthly wonder quest to get you outside and turning your loving attention towards the nature on your doorstep - blossom, birdsong, water ripples. AND a monthly deep dive podcast you can take with you filled with science, folklore and art research about that topic.
Images: Siobhan Watts/Agnes Becker/Neil Spicer
Music: Magic Winter by Serge Quadrado Music on Pixabay
Robin: Recording of a European Robin in Berlin in October 2023. Copyright Lars Lachmann, XC152508. Accessible at